The compound effect is the strategy of reaping huge rewards from small, seemingly insignificant consistent actions. The first step toward change is awareness, start by tracking your behavior for one week. The best way to become aware is to measure. Writing it all down is key. You cannot improve something until you realize what needs to be changed.
The second step towards change is to take responsibility for everything that happens to you, good or bad. Identify your triggers for your bad habits: the who, what, where, and when that prompts you to start your bad habits. Garbage in, garbage out. Don’t waste your time watching TV, eating junk, reading useless stuff, or hanging around unmotivated people. What you appreciate, appreciates. Find what matters most to you because the most motivating choices are ones that align with your “why” and your purpose. You need a deep why for doing stuff. With a why that is meaningful enough, you will do almost anything.
The third step towards change is altering your perspective. You know, the glass can be half full or half empty type thing. Perspective is focusing on adding something to your life rather than what you are cutting out or sacrificing. You can view leaving early from a party as “your getting old” or that you are mature enough to enjoy yourself while still prioritizing your physical and mental health.
Now you are ready for step four, winning your day. Before you fall asleep at night, write down your s.m.a.r.t. goals for the following day. Hold yourself accountable and avoid getting distracted by not concentrating on things outside of your task list. Repeat this every night until you have won your week, month, year and ultimately at life. The compounding effect revolves around building better habits. With momentum, you can continue succeeding with less work. Progress is a process and momentum is huge. Objects in motion tend to stay in motion and in time the process will feel more natural.
The law of attraction is simply directing your attention toward something that was already there. We all have what it takes to be successful and you alone are responsible for your situation. By compounding small consistent changes you can accomplish more than you ever thought possible.